Mulled Gin Recipe

The perfect drink for the holiday season in the Caribbean! This recipe is highly scalable and flexible. One 750mL bottle makes 3 liters of mulled gin. Cinnamon and Clove are essential spices for mulled gin, but Star Anise, Cardamom, West Indian Bay, Allspice and Juniper Berries are all nice additions. Whole spices and fresh juices are preferable for this recipe.

Makes 3 litres (about 15 cups)

1 bottle (750ml) Antilles Stillhouse Pink Gin
2.25 L Apple Juice
1 cup fresh Passionfruit Juice (strained)
1 cup fresh Bitter Orange or Lemon Juice (strained)
2 large Cinnamon Sticks (1 tablespoon if powder)
10 Cloves
10 Star Anise
10 Cardamon
10 All Spice
10 Juniper Berries
4 West Indian Bay Leaves
1/3 Large Orange sliced thinly
1/3 Large Apple sliced thinly
50 – 100 grams White Cane Sugar (will vary to taste)


Keep to a low heat for the whole process.

1. In a large pot, start with warming your spices to bring out the flavour, whole spices are best to avoid cloudiness. (If using any powdered spices, add in step two with liquid)

2. When the spices are nicely toasted add the Apple Juice, Passionfruit Juice, and sliced Apple and Orange.

3. Bring liquid to a simmer for 10 minutes at least to infuse the flavors then add the Pink Gin.

4. Stir in the 50 grams sugar and Bitter Orange or Lemon Juice. The sweet and sour balance each other, so if needed add more sugar to taste.

5. Keep your mulled gin steamy warm for serving but avoid boiling to retain the alcohol content and aromas

If you have leftovers, strain into a glass bottle or jar and keep for another occasion. Chilled leftover mulled gin served over lots of ice with a splash of soda water makes a delicious alternative to sangria.

David Murphy